Meet Your New Consultant

Hi, I'm Craig.

I’ve always been drawn to the construction industry because my father worked road construction for over 40 years.

As a kid, we would ride around the job sites on nights and weekends (probably could have been doing more fun kid things, but whatever) and I got to know the people.

I quickly learned they are the best, hardest working people on earth who break their back in extreme conditions to provide for their families.

I love the industry and I love the people, they are the type of people that bring their children to a job site because that’s the only time they get with them, and everyone at the job site treats them like family.

I help them make their jobs easier by helping them find their unique tools and leadership style that increases productivity, retains employees, and makes everyone proud to work together.


About Me

  • Developed company wide and individual training for various construction companies and department of transportation.

  • 10 years experience as psychotherapist, teaching psychology, and working with human behavior.

  • Corporate management experience.
